7 Best Tip for Taking Care of Your Car

Summer has begun. This weather also affects the car. In summer, the car needs special care. By not doing so, you damage your car and also put yourself in trouble. Let us tell you the tips for car care in summer. Do you know how much does hair grow in a month?



Coolant fluid should be taken care of in summer. This is extremely important to keep the car engine cool in heavy heat. If the engine is overheated, your car will stop. Always keep coolant levels in your car in summer and refill. Always maintain coolant fluid up to the mark of F in the coolant tank.



The heat increases the air pressure in the tire, which can also cause your car's tires to burst. In such a situation, it is important to check the air pressure in the car tires daily in this season. Also, keep the air pressure in the tire according to the pressure stated in the manual of the car.


Engine belts

Many belts are used in car engines. These belts are made of rubber and can be loose in summer. Old belts can also break in summer. Periodically check your vehicle belts and replace them when needed.


Engine oil

Engine oil performs lubrication work in the engine. In summer, oil can leave its lubricity quickly, causing damage to your car's engine. For this, the level and smoothness of the engine oil in your car should be checked from time to time. Always use the same standard oil as the company recommends for your car.



AC is most important in summer. If it is not working properly, you will have trouble. If your car is old, then please check the AC now, because summer has come. Take it. Even if your car is not very old, get the AC serviced.


Wiper and windshield

The car’s rubber wipers can melt in the heat, causing damage to the car’s windshield. In such a situation, it is important to keep checking the wipers from time to time and if they have become old, replace them immediately.


Take care of car paint like this

When parked in the sun in summer, its color may lighten. In addition, dust and dirt can also damage your car's paint. To avoid this, keep the car periodically pressurized. Car rubbing wax or polish on the surface of the car helps protect the color of your car. Also try to park the car in a shady place or cover it instead of parking it in the open. Doing so will not harm the plastic parts of the car either. Apart from this, if you want to know about Honda Civic Air Suspension Kits, you can read various reviews from Google.